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What the driving test eyesight check might be like in the future

We are currently consulting on a range of proposals to encourage learner drivers to be better prepared to take their driving test.

One of those is changing the law so that we can carry out driving test eyesight checks in any level of light, not just good daylight.

Read our latest Despatch blog to find out how this proposal would benefit you and your pupils.

The DVSA have been consulting on changing the requirements to read a number plate in all levels of light. This would require a change in the law. Some of these changes may mean that candidates are asked to read a number plate via a tablet. This would allow tests to be conducted before sunrise and after sunset. Whilst I welcome out of hours testing, I do not feel it would make much difference to the waiting list. A much better solution would be to provide tests 7 days a week. Charge a premium for weekends. It will not encourage people to take driving lessons in the evening as this is purely down to availability.

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